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Hero Calendar

Finger on the pulse of what's happening in our sector

We gather up the most relevant events related to metals and minerals. See what’s on!

Event held on January 21

Well-attended seminar on European research initiatives

A day focusing on European research programs where initiatives within both Horizon Europe and other programs were presented. The target audience was companies and researchers with a focus on the mineral, metal, material and manufacturing industries. The event was a collaboration between the two Impact Innovation programs Swedish Metals and Minerals and Net Zero Industry.
Read the article

Internal meetings

Upcoming dates for Mission Control and Steering Committee meetings.
Mission Control
March 14, digital

Mission Control

March 17, digital

Steering Committee

Mission Control
April 11, digital

Mission Control

April 24, digital

Steering Committee

TBD, Stockholm

Steering Committee

October 21, digital

Steering Committee

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