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With 73 ongoing projects, we show the strength of our program

Impact Innovation – Sweden’s major innovation initiative, has produced results. 174 initiatives for transition and green growth are now starting. The government together with the actors involved in the projects, are investing SEK 200 million. 73 of these projects are within our program. The total budget for the projects is close to SEK 100 million.

In the call for proposals for the program’s technical areas, 53 projects were approved and granted funding. These have a total budget of approximately SEK 69.7 million. The call for the social action areas resulted in 11 granted projects, with a total budget of SEK 14.4 million.

In the call for regulations and instruments for sustainable industry, which is a joint call together with Net Zero Industry, nine projects linked to Swedish Metals & Minerals were granted funding. The projects have a total budget of SEK 15.4 million.

Swedish Metals & Minerals’ first projects are now underway. And this is just the beginning. Over SEK 1 billion will be destributed over the next five years! The next calls will open in spring 2025.

Link to all 53 projects granted funding: Impact Innovation: Feasibility studies within Technological Action Areas in the program Metals & Minerals

Link to all 11 projects granted funding: Impact Innovation – Social action areas within Swedish Metals & Minerals

A joint call together with the sister program Net Zero Industry. Link to all 15 granted projects, of which 9 projects belong to Swedish Metals & Minerals: Impact Innovation – Regulations and Policy instruments for a sustainable industry

Maria Swartling
“In a short time, Swedish Metals & Minerals has made a big difference. With three completed calls and 73 ongoing projects, we show the strength of our program. The high number of project applications confirms the relevance and attractiveness of the program - and we look forward to continuing to create value together!”
Maria Swartling Program Director