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Together – transforming Sweden for the 2030s and beyond

Impact Innovation has the ambition to tackle the great challenges of our time. In collaborations between actors in the private, public and non-profit sectors in Sweden, we meet real needs with innovative solutions, on the way to a desired future. To transform together to a sustainable society for the 2030s and beyond.

The world cannot continue as it has been. Going forward, we must stay within planetary boundaries. Sweden is no exception and time is running out. Major challenges require us to think and act differently. A sustainable transition can only happen by changing entire societies from the ground up. Cities and rural areas, production, consumption and value chains, how people live, travel and live, and value existence.

Impact Innovation is a mission-driven initiative designed to find the best solutions to speed up the transition by bringing together different perspectives, ideas, experiences and expertise.

Based on ambitious goals and timelines, innovative companies and organizations are setting their sights on a desired future, making bold decisions to collaborate for positive technological and societal development and build a sustainable daily life. To lead together internationally and show that transformation is a prerequisite for competitiveness.

We need to find out exactly how we will get to this desired future, what it looks like and what it is like to live there. It is a journey that must be made, and everyone must do their part. The decisions companies, organizations and individuals make today affect generations to come.

Impact Innovation is now taking the first important steps. The first actions have been decided. The journey towards a green industry, strengthened competitiveness, sustainable and prosperous societies is underway.


Sweden’s innovation initiative for the 2030s

Sweden has historically been at the forefront of innovation, technological development and societal transformation, and is investing in research, cutting-edge expertise and innovation to remain a leader in the future. Impact Innovation is an innovation initiative for the 2030s and an investment in Sweden’s progress, growth and competitiveness. In-depth international collaborations also create the conditions for strengthened resilience and security.

Impact Innovation’s programs together cover all important areas of society: production, consumption and value chains, urban development and transport, and good and equal health. They mobilize actors from business, industry, trade associations, universities and colleges, research institutes and the innovation system, municipalities, regions, interest groups and civil society. Committed to making the transition happen.

The five programs within Impact Innovation

Impact Innovation – transforming Sweden with missions

Mission-oriented work is a new way of working together to tackle the major challenges of our time. Many things need to change in a short time to make more people better off. Impact Innovation has the ambition to find the best solutions.

By bringing together actors from different businesses, organizations, industries and sectors, and working together for a desired future, a common mission, Impact Innovation enables positive development.

In the meeting of different perspectives and needs, challenges and conflicting goals, expertise and experience, social missions and agendas, new insights, ideas and solutions emerge.

In a mission, companies and organizations make long-term commitments and bold decisions, bigger than their own business interests, for transformation and competitiveness. And to create systemic change that has an impact on society.

The actors in Impact Innovation’s program all work towards missions, and to make a difference in people’s lives and everyday life. Towards a sustainable Sweden, attractive to live in for everyone.


About Impact Innovation

  • Impact Innovation is a joint initiative between the Swedish Energy Agency, Formas and Vinnova. The initiative is based on Agenda 2030, the EU’s missions and social policy goals.
  • When Impact Innovation has reached full funding, turnover will be approximately SEK 1 billion per year. Half of this will come from the state and half from the program actors.
  • The initiative is based on the research and innovation bill Research, Freedom, Future – knowledge and innovation for Sweden. In this, the government tasked the authorities with developing the work with the strategic innovation programs with the aim of making the programs contribute more clearly to transformative change and sustainable development, as a basis for global competitiveness and societal benefit.
  • Impact Innovation will accelerate the transition to a sustainable society, strengthen Sweden’s global competitiveness, and Sweden’s position as a strong and established innovation country.

News article from Impact Innovation’s website.